ACCEPT, O Lord, this offering of my
liberty, memory, understanding and
will. All that I am and have, Thou hast
given me. I want to restore everything
to Thee, O Lord. Dispose of me as it
shall please Thee. All that I ask is Thy
Grace and Thy Love. With these alone,
I shall be rich enough. I ask for nothing
more. (300 days indul.)
Visit the Blessed Sacrament
Come to Me ... you burdened;
I will give you rest!
You believe, of course, that Jesus is
really present in whatever church
you may be near every day.
But do you act on this belief?
“What greater friend have you than Jesus,
Brother, Savior, Physician, Advocate?”
Do you know that “visiting a friend to
talk things over” is the oldest social
custom; begun by God Himself on a
visit to our first parents; but, sad to
say, even as we, they “hid themselves;”
that God cried out then, even as
now, “Where art thou?” (Gen. 3:9)
Do you not recall how Jesus, as
soon as He was born, sent heavenly
Angels to nearby Shepherds and,
by a heavenly star, directed the three
Wise Men from afar, to visit Him?
Do you realize that the Same
Mind, the Same Heart, the Same
Hands are in the Tabernacle to
counsel you, to befriend you, to
bless you! Do you “realize”?
To Our Lady of
O Virgin Mary, Our Lady of the Blessed
Sacrament, glory of the Christian
people, joy of the universal Church,
salvation of the world; pray for us,
and arouse among the faithful everywhere
such devotion to the Most Holy
Eucharist, as will make them worthy
to receive It every day.
(300 days indul.)
Ask Mary, who was entirely faithful
to Jesus in His earthly Life, when He
was the tortured object of so much
ignorance, indifference and defiance.
Ask Mary to direct your prayers
to some neglected or abandoned
Tabernacle somewhere in the world.
Spread the word about this devotion
to others, so that there may be
not one Abandoned Tabernacle in
the whole world.
With Mary Immaculate, let us adore,
thank, implore and console the Most
Beloved and Sacred Heart of Jesus in
the Blessed Sacrament.
(200 days indul.)
O Divine Jesus, lonely tonight in so
many Tabernacles, without visitor or
worshipper, I offer Thee my poor heart.
May its every throb be an act of love
for Thee! Thou art always watching
beneath the Sacramental Veils; in
Thy Love, Thou dost never sleep
and Thou art never weary of Thy
vigil for sinners. O lonely Jesus! May
the flame of my heart burn and
beam always in company with Thee.