The Latinx Superpower
The Power to VOTE
¡Las Jefas!
By Marisa Rivera
As we celebrated Hispanic Heritage month this year, we were faced
with a global pandemic, economic crisis, social and racial unrest in
the country, wildfires burning throughout the west coast and a
politically charged election. Our democracy is at stake and you must decide if
you are part of the problem or part of the solution. Not all eligible voters
exercise their right and privilege to vote. If you did not vote, it is simple, you
are part of the problem.
As Americans of Hispanic descent, we must reflect if we are exercising
our responsibility of being a U.S. citizen. Having been born here or having
been naturalized, we all swear to obey and defend the constitution of the
United States.
Latinos are the second largest voting cohort in the United States. We
have the super power to influence the 2020 election and who resides in the
White House. No matter what party affiliation, it is time that Latinos in the U.S.
mobilize and assert their strength, power, and influence with their vote – Tu
Voto Es Tu Voz.
The Latino vote is essential for any candidate in this country to win. Out
of the 60 Million Latinos in the USA, (U.S. Census) 32 million are eligible to vote,
surpassing eligible black voters for the first time and making them the largest
block of voters after whites in this country. Every 30 seconds a Latinx youth
turns 18, and is eligible to vote (Pew Research Center). Unfortunately, not
every eligible Latino goes to the voting polls.
This year's Hispanic Heritage Month theme was "Hispanics: Be Proud of
Your Past and Embrace the Future." The theme invited Hispanics to embrace
their background and be proud of their heritage, culture, language, and
nationality, but also to embrace our future. We must participate in this
democracy and vote. The right to vote is the foundation of any democracy. It
is time to activate and get U.S. Latinos registered and out to the polls.
As I reflect on this year, I think of all the sacrifices our ancestors made
for us to have the freedoms and liberties we have today. We have the
responsibility and the duty to preserve our democracy by engaging and
voting at the local, state, and federal levels.
Let us not take lightly the centuries of struggles faced by the Women’s
suffrage movement, the Civil rights movements, the labor movements who
worked so hard to give us the right to vote. Let us exercise it. It is simple, it
is easy, and it is imperative.
There are 270 electoral votes, that any candidate needs to win. They
are coming from Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, New
Jersey, New York, North Carolina,
Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and
Do not be a bystander. Be part
of the solution. Let us use our
Superpower and vote for our future!
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any questions on this article?
Email us at
Marisa Rivera is
president of
Mpowerment Works,
a motivational
speaker, executive
coach and
leadership and
consultant. Marisa@
40 LATINAStyle V ol. 26, No. 5, 2020