Dog Friendships
By Dr. Elba Garcia, DDS, Dallas County Commissioner
Hi, I am Lucky, but you can call me
Mr. Lucky. I am 16 years old and
I am a Rat Terrier mix. I am the
oldest of a family of three. I have two sisters who
I adore and who are jealous of me because they
know I am mom’s favorite. I am an adopted dog
and I am very grateful for my mom being a
public servant who advocates for my fellow
four-legged friends. She has helped build an
animal shelter, led the creation of the District
Attorney’s Animal Cruelty Division and was
instrumental in bringing the “Home for Hounds”
program to reality, where dogs are trained by
inmates to make them more adoptable. I love
spending time with my mom, going for walks,
receiving belly rubs, and doing everything I want.
I am excited to introduce myself, and I invite you
to keep reading to learn more about my two
younger sisters.
Zyanya is my seven-year-old German
Shepherd sister. She is the middle child in our
family and is Papi’s little girl and also his favorite.
She loves puppy-dog eyeing her dad so he gives
her treats and rubs it in Lucky and Quetzali’s
noses. She likes spending time with my brother
and sister exercising and going to trails and
parks. Sometimes she is really shy and suffers
from anxiety, so her big brother and sister are
Dr. Elba Garcia with Lucky, Zyanya, and
always there to protect her and keep her warm
and safe. She is thankful to introduce herself to
the world and looks forward to meeting all of her
sister and would not trade them for anything in
furry friends in this year’s LATINA Style Magazine.
this world. I am glad that you were able to meet
Before you go, I would like for you to meet
my family and hope I get a chance to meet your
my baby sister, Quetzali.
family too! I look forward to seeing you all in a
Hi everyone, I am so excited to introduce
dog park or trail but if not, virtually is fine as well!
myself and I am glad that we saved the best for
last. My name is Quetzali. I am two years old and
I am a standard poodle. I pride myself on being
mommy’s favorite and the baby of the family
because that means I never get in trouble (even
when I chew mommy’s shoes) and always get
what I want from mommy. I love it when my mom
Thank you LATINA Style Magazine for
buys me stuffed animals to cuddle with and toys
showcasing my family. Have a great day!
to play around the house. In my spare time, I like
working out with my mom, snuggling, and
making Mr. Lucky jealous by stealing his belly
Want to comment or have any questions on
rubs from mom. I love my older brother and
this article? Email us at
34 LATINAStyle Vol. 26, No. 5, 2020