LATINA Style Business Series
By Tania G. Davila
LATINA Style, Inc., the premier company
addressing the needs of professional
Latinas in the United States held its virtual
Albuquerque, NM, LATINA Style Business Series on
October 22, 2020, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.,
via zoom. Participants had the opportunity to learn
about business ownership and partake in career
development seminars designed to benefit Latina
professionals and entrepreneurs. In addition, this
year it addressed the incredible strain placed on
small businesses by the COVID-19 situation.
Patricia L. Chavez, President, PLC
ENTERPRISES, and Synthia Jaramillo, Director,
Economic Development, City of Albuquerque
served as Co-Chairs of the Virtual LATINA Style
Business Series. Opening Remarks were provided
by Nicole Schlosser, Director, Shared Operations
Services, Nationwide, and the Honorable Timothy
M. Keller, Mayor, Albuquerque City.
The Financial Survival Guide in New Mexico:
Learn How New Mexico is Facing COVID-19 was
moderated by Synthia R. Jaramillo. Speakers
included: Frances A. Padilla, Colorado District
Director, SBA; Nick Delgado, President, Black Pen
White Board; Lelah Martinez, Senior Stakeholder
Liaison, IRS, and Paul Mondragon, Senior VP, Bank
of America.
“PPL loan application ended on August 8th.
PPP borrowers can qualify to have the loans
forgiven if the proceeds are used to pay certain
eligible costs. Forgiveness begun the approving
process on October 2nd and is based on
Albuquerque, NM
Patricia L. Chavez, President, PLC
employment and maintaining salary levels.” Padilla
says. “Work with your advisors and keep a good
record and how your money is spent. You can find
more information on how to apply for forgiveness.”
“I think we need to have more information,”
Delgado shares. “I believe the issue is the
preparation in how to access capital. I am
committed to help our community to know what is
needed to have in place to meet the right
qualifications whether that would be a debt provider
or an equity provider. You will need to have the right
package in place.”
The ‘Big Legacies, Extraordinary Stories’
session was conducted by Lory Burgos. Teresa
Synthia Jaramillo, Director, Economic
Development, City of Albuquerque.
Razo shared her inspiring story and how alongside
her husband, Leo Razo, are creating a legacy of
kindness and hope in Laguna, California.
Participating in the traditional Entrepreneurs
Spotlight: Learning Strategies for Success was
Shannon Jacques, Vice President, Albuquerque
Hispano Chamber of Commerce as moderator.
Panelists included: Krista M. Martinez, President,
NAWBO, NM, Owner; Krista M. Consulting, LLC;
Mary Martinez, Owner, CEO, Home Instead Senior
Care, Chair, Albuquerque Hispano Chamber; Belen
Barriga, TeamBelu, CEO & Marketing, RG
Insurance, Nationwide; Martha Carpenter, CEO,
Owner, Pasando Tiempo Winery, and Sylvia Ortiz,
President & CEO, Silverado Apparel + Home.
Frances A. Padilla, Colorado
District Director, SBA.
Nick Delgado, President,
Black Pen White Board.
Lelah Martinez, Senior
Stakeholder Liaison, IRS.
Paul Mondragon, Senior VP,
Bank of America.
24 LATINAStyle V ol. 26, No. 5, 2020