Latina Author’s Weaving Their Stories
By Marisa Rivera
Igrew up reading books like Don Quixote de La Mancha by Miguel de
Cervantes, and La Carreta by René Marqués, Poems by Federico
Garcia Lorca and Sor Juana Inés de La Cruz. I was worried about
what our youth are reading nowadays and if we had any strong, creative
and multicultural writers that could capture the essence of living in two
worlds as many immigrants and first-generation feel when navigating
living in two worlds. No need to worry! I recently met Isabel Nuñez, author
¡Las Jefas!
of her her
first novel “Woven in Moonlight”. Her ability to use a creative magical
world of romance, heroism and revolution, all inspired by Bolivian history and
politics is brilliant. Using her “sheroe” in the character of Ximena, it is a story of
a girl seeking revenge and restoration for her people. The reader becomes
immersed in the story instantly, and you feel as if you are in the mountains of
Bolivia, fighting for justice and weaving tapestries while eating delicious food
with Ximena. I was recently able to interview Isabel and ask her about, not only
this book, but about her story of becoming a Latina writer.
Marisa: When did you decide to become a writer?
Isabel: I have always been a storyteller. I have been an avid reader since I
was a little girl. I have been writing journals since I was eight years old and when
I went to college, I majored in creative writing. I love the power of words. Words
have the ability to bring people together despite their differences and backgrounds.
Marisa: Did you have a teacher who inspired you or motivated you to
follow your writing?
Isabel: Reading was my teacher. By reading a lot you learn how to craft a
story. To me, reading was an escape. I always wished that everything I read was
real. When I travelled with my parents when I was young, the first thing I will put
in the suitcase were my reading books.
Marisa: Has your Latinaness influenced your writing?
Isabel: I was born in Boca Raton, Florida of Bolivian parents. I grew up
between two worlds. The school year in the USA and summers in Bolivia. I felt
like I did not fit in either one. Too American to be Bolivian and too Bolivian to be
American. It’s not until I became older that I understood how fortunate I was to
have had a childhood like that one. It was not until I became older that I embrace
my Latinaness and realize how magical Bolivia truly is.
Marisa: Do you think this novel has helped you capture your two worlds?
Isabel: YES! When I was writing this novel, the words poured out of me. I
realized that I was able to use the
Bolivian history and politics and the
Bolivia that I knew so well by having
lived and learned from my parents and
living in two worlds. All of its beauty,
the culture, the scenery, the weather,
the food, the tapestries (who Ximena
was able to spin thread from moonlight
– in the magical story) that are so
prevalent in Bolivia and the history of
revolution and the desire to see social
justice using a female heroine through
Ximena to save her people. This book
is very personal.
Marisa Rivera and Isabel Ibañez at Barnes & Noble book
Marisa:What advice do you give to other aspiring writers?
Isabel: People will tell you there is no room for your story. But your story
needs to be read so kids know that they can be heroes. I want people to know
that there is room for their story.
Marisa:What is next for you?
Isabel: A companion story set in the same world as Woven on Moonlight.
Marisa: I have always said that our Latinaness is our major source of
strength, courage, power, creativity and innovation. Latinas – Las Jefas –Tienen
mucho talento. Let’s keep showcasing and weaving our stories.
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Marisa Rivera is
president of
Mpowerment Works,
a motivational
speaker, executive
coach and
leadership and
consultant. Marisa@
40 LATINAStyle Vol. 26, No. 1, 2020