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COFFEE 101: Understanding the Process GRINDS & GRINDERS Avoid those grinders in the supermarkets Grinding your coffee beans in the supermarket is convenient and it smells great but you are going to get some of the residual grounds from the previous grinder’s selection. Their French vanilla flavored coffee may not compliment your Jamaican Blue Mountain coffee. Get a grinder for home. I suggest a burr (mill) grinder for best results. Blade grinders and similar blenders can make dust out of your super expensive coffee beans. The preferred grind size has to go with your desired coffee result. If you use finely ground coffee, as you would to make espresso, to make regular coffee, these fine grinds will result in too much coffee being extracted from the beans and even your milder blends will end up bitter tasting. Your coffee maker will usually instruct you to make the proper grind size. It should look about like salt size or sand size for those of us who live on or near a beach. July/August 2017 GASPARILLA ISLAND 49 WATER Filter It! This is the simplest thing you can do to change your coffee’s taste – filter it. Most new coffee pots have filters systems built in. If you do nothing else, at least set your water out for 24 hours in a pitcher and let the chorine leach out. Spring water is the best if you are going to get it at the grocery store.

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