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page Photos courtesy of Getty Images WFAMILY FEATURES hen joints ache and you don’t move as fast as you used to, it may seem that growing old is anything but graceful. While you can’t stop the hands of time, there are ways you can keep your physical and mental well-being in tip-top shape for years to come. Even if you’ve spent a lifetime practicing healthy habits, your senior years are no time to allow those practices to fall to the �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� later in life, rely on your experience and maturity to know that taking care of yourself is as important as, well, life itself. Eat balanced meals. It’s never too late to begin paying more attention to what you eat. Seniors may be prone to poor eating habits for the sake of convenience or because it’s not as much fun cooking for one or two when you once had a full house to feed. Actually, as you age, keeping your weight in check and continuing to fuel your body with essential nutrients is more important than ever. Keep moving. It’s true that aches and pains may keep you from being as spry as you once were, but limiting your movement ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ mobility over time. Muscles that aren’t used regularly can weaken and restrict your movement even more, so work with your physician to determine an appropriate amount of activity for your condition. Mind your mind. When you’re in the workforce, or while you’re tending to the needs of a growing family, you rely on your brain to power through, probably without even thinking about it. Yet over time, most people experience some degree of cognitive deterioration, partially from basic biology and partially from lack of “exercising” that vital muscle. Keep your mind sharp by communicating regularly with your family and friends, and seek out activities that put your brain to use, such as crossword puzzles or word games. ��������������������������������������������A common lament of middle-age is the lack of time to nurture friendships. With an empty nest and an open calendar, there’s no time like the present to strengthen long-term bonds or seek out new companions who share life experiences and a desire to age with grace. Close connections with friends and family members will not only boost your emotional well-being, they can ensure there are others watching out for you on a regular basis. Do as you’re told. When you’re younger, skipping an annual checkup here and there seems like no big deal. As you age, those regular assessments are more important. They serve an important role in identifying potential issues and introducing treatments before big problems arise. Honor your regular medical appointments and heed the advice you’re given – including taking any medicines as prescribed. Find more tips for living healthy as you age at 64

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