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Style There’s no age limit to wear leggings, and you can gracefully sport them whenever you want, with a few things to keep in mind. Particularly, DON’T GET LAZY about leggings! Whether you work from home, are a stay at home mom, or have an extremely laid back work environment, don’t let it make you lazy about your appearance. Because if you don’t like the way you look, you don’t feel good. And that means you don’t perform as well, in your business or taking care of your kids. When you spend most of your time at home and you don’t have a formal job 38 to go to, you feel you can wear anything. Then you start making excuses like: “You’ll have more time to work or focus on kids if you don’t need to worry about what to wear. Or this allows you to save your nice ‘actual’ clothes for important occasions.” Besides, you have a business to run (or you need to take care of your kids) so you have a lot on your plate already, right? WRONG these are no reasons to get lazy about your appearance but you can be comfortable while you look puttogether, and that is what makes leggings so great! So here are a few tips and things to know about wearing leggings! leggings when and how to wear them

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